Friday 23 November 2012

"How far would you go to get your answers?"


DIRECTED: Ridley Scott
STARRED: Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fassbender

I had loads of fun seeing Prometheus in the cinema. I thought it was brilliant. I didn't actually notice the lack in narrative coherence until it was pointed out to me later and still, I'm not going to let it change my opinion that Prometheus is a really cool movie.

Following a team of scientists on their quest to find our creators, Prometheus is fast paced and punchy, engaging and visually amazing, but as much as I'd like to, I'm not going to brush over it's flaws. While Prometheus is an awesome looking film, Ridley Scott seems to have put style higher on the list of priorities than narrative sense. So many questions have been left unanswered at the end of the film, too many to list: What's that robot up to? Why did that old guy pretend to be dead? Why are there squids and worms and eyeball bugs and black goo all over the place? It's pretty ridiculous, I'll admit.

There is also the unfortunate lack of character development. There's so much going on all the time, that you aren't given a chance to get a feel for the characters, their intentions on this new planet, their goals and drives and I felt little to no connection to any of them. So when everyone gets eaten by strangely familiar aliens (not an Aliens prequel, ha) I wasn't all that bothered. 

Having said that, one particular scene involving –SPOILER ALERT– an alien baby and a C-Section performed by a machine built only to perform operations on men (I have seen the future and it's full of sexist tech) had me and the rest of the cinema squirming. Not for Shaw though, more for the fact that we were witnessing a squid being removed from a womb by one of those toy claw machines. So whilst Shaw's swift and almost immediate recovery may not be one hundred percent medically accurate, you can't say the film's boring!

Onto Prometheus' better aspects: let's start with the cast. How good is this cast? It's a brilliant cast. The characters are brilliantly dumb sometimes, but they're performed wonderfully well. Although the question must be raised: Why was Guy Pearce cast to play an old guy, when they could have cast an actual old guy? The make-up was painfully obvious and they could have just cast an old guy.

Speaking of costume, the spacesuits and ship and design in general was so awesome. The attention to detail is what struck me, all the cliché neon lights on every button and dial on Prometheus' control panels and the huge sphere helmets on their spacesuits, it was so silly but I loved it. It's inexplicable. Those helmets were perfectly spherical. It was just so sci-fi, but not too sci-fi. All the lights and gadgets, it was all very genre specific and I could have sighed and shook my head with an “Of course they would” but it just fit. It wasn't too over the top, it was just right.

Prometheus may be a little nonsensical in places (Where did that worm come from? I still don't know.) but I love it regardless. I can't help but get caught up in the stylistic qualities  too much to care about little loopholes, but I don't think it's a bad film. If a sci-fi action flick is what you're after, Prometheus will do the trick.

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